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Shrimp Hatchery for Sale

Auction Date: To be announced

Located on Block Nos. 212A, 214A, 217A and 221. Total Land Size: 127 Acres. Along with all Buildings & Erections.  Situated North of the Dangriga Town Municipal Airstrip, Dangriga Town, Stann Creek, Belize C.A.


1.    ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate North of Melinda Road, Stann Creek District, being Block 212A comprising 126.162 acres and being the remaining portion of 112 acres 3 rood 33 poles parcel bounded and described as shown on Plan No. 43 of 1960 dated the 5th day of September, 1960 and recorded at the Land Titles Unit, Belmopan in Crown Lands Book (Plans) No. 16 at folios 68 SAVE AND EXCEPT ALL that piece or parcel of land described in a Conveyance dated 14th day of October 1971 and made between the said Charles Gabourel of the One Part and Pelican Beach Motel of the other part and recorded at the Lands Title Unit, Belmopan in Deeds Book Volume 6 of 1971 at folios 241 to 248 SAVE AND EXCEPT ALL that piece or parcel of land and consisting two and a half acres situate in the Carib Reserve, North Side Stann Creek District and described in an Indenture dated 18th June 1965 and made between Austin Gabourel of the One Part and Prudencio Alvarez of the Other Part and recorded at Land Titles Unit, Belmopan, Cayo District in Deeds Book Volume 4 of 1965 at folios 1261 to 1266 and more particularly described and delineated on a Plan of Survey by Licensed Surveyor Kirk Emmanuel dated 26th February 2007 and lodged at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Survey in Belmopan in Register 29 Entry 10346 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon.
2.    ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate at North Stann Creek in land formerly known as the Carib Reserve consisting of 15 acres 0 roods, 00 pole and being Blocks 214A, 217A and 221 which said piece or parcel is more particularly described on a plan numbered 36 of 1954 and delineated on a plan of survey by Licensed Surveyor Kirk Emmanuel dated 26th February 2007 and lodged at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Survey in Belmopan in Register 29 Entry 10346 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon.


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